Monday, January 29, 2007

The Man Segment #1

Many of you know that one of my deepest desires is to be a men's pastor. It is something I have long felt called to do with my life. This "calling" has given birth to my looking at different men that I come across in life, both real and fictitious. One of those men is Tim "The Tool Man" Taylor.

One of the many reasons I admire Tim is that he is a man's man but he can be emotionally available for his wife Jill and the kids. Tim is a man that despite the fact he can be dense at times is willing to learn and is always striving to be a better man at the end of the day. Something I think all men (and women) need to do. Another reason I love Tim is because of his grunt. I am still working on perfecting this grunt. This will continue to be a segment we cover on a regular basis.


Brent said...

That grunt is copyrighted, so once you perfect it, never use it.

Jon V. said...

i just can't use it for money. Much the same as Happy Birthday.