Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I find that I'm not a very creative person, but I wish I was. I wish I had creativity sparked within me every once and a while. Occasionally it comes out but I'm not sure where it comes from and I'm unsure how to hold on to it for any significant amount of time. Creativity within humanity is often spoken of as one of the distinguishers of the Image of God. Of all of creation only humans are creative. A given bird species will not depart from its standard song, it does not create but reproduces. So creativity is down there deep inside of us all. But some have the ability to hold onto it for significant periods of time. How do they do it? What do you do to spark creativity inside you? Do you consider yourself creative? Any thoughts on how to form this inside yourself or others, primarily me?

Posted via email from jcvarner's posterous

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Recent Reflections

So I haven't posted much in a while and I blame it all on the fact that I haven't been doing much thinking lately. Lately I've spent a lot of time playing video games and doing the opposite of thinking. I used most of my summer to shut off my brain instead of thinking. I am by no means advocating this, simply stating the truth. Truth be told I would advocate the opposite of what I did this summer; if that was a little to twisty for you that means I advocate thinking. It is something I think we should all value. We should desire to understand more and be able to think things through.

Well school has started up again so that requires my brain be turned on. This past week in Old Testament class I came to a conclusion. I don't delight in God's law all that often and that concerns me. Psalm 1:2 stats "but he delights himself in the law of the Lord, and on His law he meditates day and night." This man is called "Blessed" in the previous verse and that is a good thing to be called if you ask me. So I have been reflecting on this the past few days. When we delight in something we devote time to it and we think about it a lot, hence why he meditates on it day and night. Frankly I don't take much delight in God's law right now, at least my actions say otherwise. I genuinely enjoy reading the Bible but I have "lost that loving feeling" towards it so to speak. I have had that delight for it before and it disappeared at some point, and I'm not sure where it went. But I am going to find it. This is something I am dedicated to. I am all in on God and his word, the Bible. Don't know how but I am going to do it. I certainly know where to start. And that is by reading it and putting it first before TV, video games, and other things.

As I have thought about this for myself I wondered where my friends and others are at with this. If you are a Christian do you find yourself delighting in God's word? If you are not a Christian have you ever read the Bible? If so what did you think of it? If you haven't would you consider it? That is all for now.

Posted via email from jcvarner's posterous