So I was actually looking for a photo I had take of Jenny H. but I can't seem to find it. She had her iPod headphones on and was looking at the camera. But alas I cannot find it. But anyways I have been processing through this for a while. Our current culture loves to have music every where. With the invention of the iPod this has made it very easy, if not the cause. But I was reading on the internet how the headphones make people seem unapproachable. Which is totally true (Oh I thought of another photo that will be at the end of the blog). I have toying with the idea if we (Christians) should use iPod's when we are out in public. This was a thought a long time ago and was spurred by Dallas Willard recently (he's brilliant by the way). As Christians we are suppose to be present to the world to share the Good News and bring about the restoration of the world till Christ returns. In fewer words: We are suppose to change the world around us for the better. But when we listen to iPod's we tend to seclude ourselves from the world and in turn cannot be present to the world. The world at this time is an extremely independent place, a least in the West. People are very lonely in this day and age. And to top it all off there are few people who actually care about those around them any more. It is very clear from Jesus' teachings that we (Christians) are suppose to care about those around us (Don't believe me, go read the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5-7, and you will get the picture). When we turn on and tune out we prevent ourselves from become a significant blessing to those around us. Its time we Christians stop tuning out the world and become present to it so that we can change it. Thats what Paul did, he was present, and look at what he did. But all this is just a thought. Chew on that for a while and present it to the Lord and ask his opinion.
P.S. N don't kill me for posting this. I know we photographers hate our being photographed.
That's exactly why I don't have an ipod. I hate that whole tuning out the world and being unapproachable thing.
In response to this "the cor" person; that's the only reason I DO have an ipod.
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