Thursday, May 24, 2007

Arranged Marriage Conclusion

So about that article. You know the one I posted a few posts back. I like what she had to say, albeit a little short for my tastes. The perspective she brings is a good one. Because in truth it is not about romance. It is about commitment. There are times when you will not feel the romance. There will be times when you want to give up, but it is the commitment to the commitment that will make a marriage last. Things you have in common are good, but in the end of the day that is not what will continue your marriage during those dark times. You must be committed to the other more than to yourself. My buddy Mike got married last week and one of the bridesmaids said something truly brilliant, I honestly wish I had a tape recorder. But since I didn't have one at the time I will paraphrase for you all. "If you truly believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ remember to forgive. Because in the end of the day thats all we have." It was something to that affect. That is where we must start. We are forgiven so we forgive. We are not perfect so we do not expect them to be. We love not because we look past the faults of others, we love because we are loved. No don't get me wrong I find romance to be important. But it will not get us through each and every day. We must as Christians remove the word divorce from our vocabulary. We must be committed as Jesus was committed unto us. We must die to self. We sacrifice not because they sacrifice but because we are called to do it. Our relationships must become ones of action first. Marriage will not work if it is purely reactionary. So yeah thats a lot to say from a guy who is not married. You don't have to listen to me, but at least consider it.


HCS said...

Great thoughts

ambrosia said...

This is an on-going conversation I've had with my dad since I was a teenager: I'll say, "Dad, can you please just choose my husband for me? I hate this.." and he'll say, "No. Don't be ridiculous."
and I'll say "But dad, I hate playing this RIDICULOUS game" and he'll say "amber, I can't. I could choose a guy for you who I think is great, but I don't know how he'll talk to you when I'm not there- I don't want you to stay with someone just because I like him" (good point, actually)
So yea, I'm all for arranged marriages, but my "arranger" is totally against it. so i press on and trust jesus to arrange something fabulous with someone who'll build with me when it all falls down.

and i think that girl had it dead on (says the unmarried woman) if we truely believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ- we must remember to forgive. at the end of the day, that's all we have.... that's so good. i'm writing that down.

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Jon V. said...

Please note I will delete comments that are not in English due to the fact that I do not know what they say.