Monday, March 12, 2007

Leonidas Party of 300...

Your table is ready. Your server tonight in Hell will be Satan himself.

On Friday Brent, Josh from Small Group (neither of the blogs to the left) went and saw 300. Overall a very good movie. I especially liked the Cinematography. The film was very visually appealing. There have been very few movies that have impressed me with the visuals and this was one of them. The visuals were very artistic which impressed me a lot. I knew it was going to be good, but did not expect it to be this good.

I also watched something on the actual battle the movie was based on today from The History Channel. For a movie based on a 2500 year old event that was intending to be completely accurate I felt it did a good job considering what I learned from the show. While one should not dictate their understanding of the actual event based on the movie it does seem to get somethings right.

This movie earned an A if not an A+ in my book and I suggest every man go see it. And if your a girl and can stomach the violence of body parts and blood flying you too should see it.

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