Friday, November 06, 2009

The Sunglasses of Discipline

I recently went on a road trip to see U2 with some friends. On our way home I took my place in the back seat, because someone else with us got car sick. Frankly I hate sitting in the back seat because you will generally be left out of the conversation and the music will be too loud to hear anything that is being said. So I had a lot of time to sit and think.

As I was sitting in the back seat I began to think about sunglasses and world views. They say world views are like glasses we put on that affect how we see the world, while I don't agree with that concept wholeheartedly I think it can be appropriate at times. As I this thought snowballed in my head I started thinking about spiritual disciplines as sunglass changers. How we can use different disciplines to change our perspectives. While this isn't the only goal of a spiritual discipline I think it is a facet of them.

This is something I am going to continue to think through. As I think about it more I will share. 

Posted via email from jcvarner's posterous

1 comment:

Jer said...

Good call my friend!