Monday, December 08, 2008

Christmas vs. Xmas

So I keep having this strong desire to type out and write Xmas. But every time I think about it I am reminded of "The Reason for the Season." I know cheesy. But I want to encourage you all to consider writing Christmas rather than Xmas. For Christ truly is the reason we celebrate all this. And the more we can do to remind ourselves of that the better. With all the hustle and bustle, plus the consumerism. It is often Jesus that is lost in this time of year. So when you are at the store in line and are getting frustrated with how long it is taking take a look around. See if you can find something to remind you that this is about Jesus. And W.W.J.D.? I know cheesy. Or the next time you are searching for a parking spot or have one jacked look at the lights and remember He is the Light of the World. Still cheesy? Basically what I am saying is take a look around and I bet you can find something to remind you of Jesus. Even if it is Santa Clause. Remember he was a Christian. Not this modern Santa Clause but Saint Nicolas. Advertisers all the time use little messages for their purpose. So why not use the true little messages of Christmas to change your perspective. I hope you all have an amazing and wonderful Christmas season.

1 comment:

Jer said...

Thanks for the reminder! I find myself forgetting the meaning of Advent and focus on the lights of the surrounding houses. Instead of preparing my heart for the coming of the King I listen to nonstop Christmas tunes. You are right Jon, it is corny, but very true.