Monday, November 24, 2008


So a month ago I was having a discussion with a friend and he said "You wouldn't believe me if I told you. I'll sound crazy." As a prodded him for more information I said something that I didn't quite grasp until after I said it, I know typical me I say something before I think about it. I responded by saying "We believe in a God who was raised from the dead. Dead people don't rise on a typical basis. We deal in crazy." This statement has stuck with me since that day. I wonder what are something that we believe are impossible that are actually not that far off from occurring. I was once one of those lost cause people who few thought I would ever come to know Jesus. How many friends have I seemingly written off as unsavable? How many times have I written off a healing because it seemed impossible? As a Christian I have to believe that prayer works. I have to believe that God actually cares what happens. I have to believe that the impossible is possible. Every time we read the story of the resurrection it should to some degree remind us that the impossible is possible.

Here is what I am trying to say. When ever you think something is impossible remember that day roughly 2000 years ago when the Son of God was raised from the dead. Remember that friend who came to know Jesus. Remember what he has done for you that seemed impossible. Remember that as long as it will lead to good God deals in the impossible. When the night is darkest remember that the impossible is possible.

I pray that you will all continue to form a worldview of craziness.

1 comment:

Jared ~::44::~ said...

!!! Awesome :)