Monday, December 10, 2007

Unable to Begin

So I sit here listening to John Mayer's "Slow Dancing in A Burning Room" trying to begin something I have long sought. I am trying to hash out some thoughts around being an adopted child of God. Recently this has begun to make a lot more sense due to my actual circumstances. You see my little brother was recently adopted by my mother. He has been with us a little over a year but now he is ours fully. It became official on 11/19/07. Now he is of us. One thing that struck me about the whole experience was one thing the judge said to my mother as it all became complete. She said "Now this child has all the rights to any inheritance the same as a child of your own blood." (Well lets be honest I'm not sure she said it that way but that was the intention of her statement.) He was now equal before my mother and myself. As I think about this I begin to think of how we are adopted into God's family and because of Jesus we have equal right to heaven as he does. Just a thought as I sit here thinking.

Soli Deo Gloria,

Monday, December 03, 2007

Random Statement

So a random statement came to mind to night. Not sure where it came from but on some level I know it is from God. So take it with a grain of salt.

"When ever a man doesn't know the choice he should make, he should make the one that will lead him to righteousness." That's the less KJV version.

What was really in my head was this.

"The man that knows not which choice he should make should choose the path that will lead unto righteousness."

So if you would ever like to quote me you are more than welcome to. I don't say that arrogantly but just putting it out there.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Wander Lust

sunset road
Originally uploaded by hkvam
Wader Lust (as defined by - strong longing for or impulse toward wandering.

I first learned of this phrase from a book call Miles to Cross by Mike Howerton who used to be the College Pastor for a group I used to attend. So any how I have this major desire right now to just go. I want to be on a motorcycle riding somewhere right now. I want to be on the open road. Or being exploring Rome, I was watching a show today about it today and I just wanted to be walking around in the city. This is my desire right now, which I wish I could fulfill but that I cannot.

So I didn't take this photo, I found it online at a photo website. But it symbolizes my desire. Also I bought the Into The Wild soundtrack which is amazing, so was the movie.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

The Dad, the boy and their bike (Otherwise known as the long awaited story).

Walking into the room I could feel the fear begin to creep into the pit of my stomach. This fear has gripped me as far back as I can remember. It is the very reason I bought that thing in the first place. The same motorcycle my boy thought would help him in his search as well. You see I have never felt worthy as a man. It has been a point of attack for the enemy my entire life. He has used the men in my life to cripple me as a man. Every opportunity for abandonment he, the enemy, took and used it to create in me a lack of worth. It is the very reason as a young man I could not commit. It is also the reason I have found it so difficult to trust other men. The greatest of these wounds came from my father, but that is another story for another day.
I had to get something off my chest. I knew he could tell that something was amiss as he prepared for his trip of freedom. It had been eating at me for a while, but like I said I am gripped with fear when these things need to be said. The part that truly saddens me is that I have no problem speaking to a stranger on the street or shooting the breeze with a buddy over a bear while watching the game but I have never been able to speak these words that need to be spoke to him. I know it has done harm to our relationship as father and son. Each night before I rest I pray that it will not harm him like it has harmed me. That he will be able to move beyond this vicious cycle that has plagued the men of our family for generations.
I opened the door and stepped into the room. Already I could these words would come tearfully. “Son I want you to know something before you go. I want you to know that I am proud of the man you are becoming. I love you deeply. More than I have often showed with words or actions. But I stand here telling you that it is true. I also want you to know that if you are searching for who you are as a man on this trip it will not come to you through leaving. You see son, I tried to do the same thing at your age. But I can tell you as I stand here I thought I learned what it was like to be a man on that trip. But I was wrong. I learned to be a man when I learned to love your mother without running and love you even though I was scared to death to love you. I was afraid I would break you or screw you up. You see a real man is not some outlaw or some cowboy. A man can only truly be a man in community. In community we have people to look at like a mirror to see who we truly are. We cannot see who we are by ourselves. So if you think freedom and the open road will tell you who you are you will not find your answer out there. You can only find it when you are in community.”
At this she stood up from the bed with fist clenched and leaped towards me. I hadn’t known she was in there. If I had I would never have entered. As she neared I embraced her and she began to pound my chest. I could see she had been crying by the mascara on her cheeks and I just enticed more tears out of her without intention. As she pounded me she screamed at me. “Why couldn’t you say that before, why couldn’t you speak those words with him here? Why, Charlie, why? Why didn’t you stop him?” All I could do was hold her in the embrace. Eventually she stopped hitting me but the tears didn’t stop as our embrace continued. Slowly we sat moved to the bed and sat while continuing to embrace each other. All I could utter was “I don’t know. I just don’t know.”
You see we just finished burying my boy, our boy. Today was the day of his funeral. It was just a week ago that he left for his trip on that motorcycle I had once road off into the sunset. He was less that an hour from our house when a car ran a red light and hit him. He was dead before the paramedics arrived. And now I must live with the knowledge that I didn’t speak those words. That I allowed him to leave with words unspoken. Words that desperately needed to be heard by ears that never will. I didn’t have the chance to tell him how much I loved him or how proud of him I was. I simply said “Good bye, son.”

Sunday, September 23, 2007

I Forgot to Add

So I forgot to add something to the list. It is my belief along with others that it really doesn't matter if something is considered a "discipline" classically. All that matters is that it helps in the formation of ones soul. So I am going to add something to the list.

Slow Down: I am now going to purposefully drive slower and get it the lane with the most people at stop lights if able. I am also going to get in the longest lines in places. All this is to teach myself that it is God who is ultimately in control of situations not myself.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

The First Week

Amber B. requested that I update you all on my first week back to the disciplines. So I am going to update you all on how it went. Here is what I have been thinking this last week.

Fasting: It really helped to me to remember that I am spirit and body. The two go together; they are not separate. It wasn't that difficult to do. I began to get a little hungry towards the end of the day and really wanted food. But that is to be expected.

Silence: It is going to be more than just not speaking on a day once a month. I am going to eliminate noise from my life. So riding in the car I am going to have no music or radio. I believe it was Henri Nouwen that said Christians should have quiet houses. They should have lack of noise so that it leaves God room to speak. Because it has been said that God is not in the wind, the earthquake or the storm but in the still silence. This will also look like not listening to music or watching a movie while going to sleep.

Frugality: Spending under $3 at Starbucks or Diedrich. Not ordering the best thing on the menu when eating out.

That's about all for now. Next weekend will be my first weekend of Silence and Solitude. I will let you know how it goes.

Friday, September 14, 2007

The Rubber Meets the Road (No this isn't the Motorcycle Story)

So recently I have been reading Dallas Willard's book The Spirit of the Disciplines. And I just finished chapter 3 which is titled Salvation is a Life. The basic premises of the chapter is that we focus to much on the single act of Jesus crucifixion and not on his entire life and/or his resurrection. In so doing we tend to make salvation an instantaneous event which requires nothing of us after the fact. But if we understand it in its proper context salvation is a whole life event. Therefore we continue to have a part after our conversion. So basically what I am saying is I am going to be practicing some of the classic disciplines to help the rubber meet the road and I would like to enlist your help. If you and I are in conversation or hanging out please ask me how they are going. I ask you this so that I might be held accountable. Also I hope by myself doing this and you hearing of my experience you might consider doing this as well. I might share periodically on here if it is of interest, comment and let me know if you want to here updates on the blog. So here is my list of disciplines I am going to be practicing and the stipulations I am setting for them. Fasting: every Thursday I will fast two meals, in so doing I will fast roughly 24 hours the Jewish way. Silence: I am going to practice not speaking for 24 hour periods. Once a month on a weekend. Solitude: Once a month spend 6 hours by myself with God, a journal and my bible; thats it. Scripture Memorization: Kinda self explanatory. And the last is frugality: This will last a month at least, not sure how long, where I will not buy anything for myself except for that which I need. I suppose that last will be the most difficult. So please help me with this if you are with me somewhere. Food obviously doesn't count, nor does gas and such. Basically it is the purchase of products or merchandise will you have it. If there are any questions feel free to comment and ask.

P.S. Yes, Amber, I know it goes over the page rule.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Tag Redemption

Here you go Amber.
It's fun! You have to use 3 words to answer each question. No more, no less. It's harder than you think!
1. Where is your cell phone? In My Pocket
2. Who is your boyfriend/girlfriend or Husband/Wife? Lost not found
3. Where is one of your parents? In her car
4. Cheesecake? I love cows
5. Your favorite thing to do? Discuss a topic
6. Your dream last night? None found here
7. Your favorite drink? No real winner
8. The room you're in? My sleeping room
9. George Bush? Could be worse
10. What you're good at? Taking awesome photos
11. One of your wish list items? Porsche 911 Turbo
12. Where did you grow up? Southern California Baby
13. The last thing you did? Typed lame answer
14. What are you wearing? clothing for work
15. Who stole your sunglasses, amber? Amber has sunglasses?
16. Ketchup? No better condiment
17. Your computer? Apple Macbook Pro
18. Your life? Led from above
19. Your mood? Pretty stinking good
20 your next blog? Wait I blog?
21. Your car is? to be fixed
22. Your summer? Way to hot
23. Your relationship status? Does this matter?
24. Your favorite color(s)? No favorite here
25. When is the last time you laughed? I can't remember.

I tag Andrew, Lisa and John W.
Ok...get blogging people!

Saturday, September 08, 2007

My new Dew

I know you like it.

Its good!

You know you wouldn't believe it unless you tried it, I know I didn't. But this stuff is actually good. It is McDonald's Coffee. Go try it and you will see. Best coffee I have ever had that I can recall.

I Suppose I will Do This...

The Rules:
1. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.
2. Each player starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog (about their 8 things) and post these rules.
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

The Random Facts/Habits:
1. I love ketchup.
2. If it has John Cusack I am in. (Weird I know)
3. I know how to sail. (You can call me Captain Jon)
4. I've been to Asia and Europe but never Mexico.
5. I need to have something cover me while sleeping. Sheet or blanket will do.
6. I've moved at least ten times in my life.
7. I used to deliver pizza for a job.
8. I have my motorcycle license.

So at this point I doubt there is anyone else left to tag, except The Ninja, so he is the only one getting tagged. If you read this and would like to do one yourself feel free to do so and leave a comment on here to let others know.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Interesting Results

So have you ever noticed how God tends to work in really weird ways. For example today I read in Luke about the Lost Son (aka Prodigal Son), which by the way I really like the title the TNIV uses which is the Lost Son go read the whole chapter that way and you will understand. So any ways I was sitting at Starbucks tonight and someone came and sat down next to me and she looked like she wanted to talk to me so I took out my ipod head phones and made eye contact with her. And she began to speak to me and soon I realized (after her telling me) that she is the wife of a buddy of mine I used to play hockey with. A man who helped me through sometimes of confusion and learning to be a Christian man. Well they moved away 4 years ago and I thought him to be lost from my life for ever due to random circumstances (aka new phone # and new email, both of which I did not have). Needless to say I am pretty stoked because apparently they are back living in So Cal, which is freaking awesome. So God went and brought something back that I thought I had lost. Maybe he is trying to teach me something. Only time will tell.

P.S. If you want to laugh really really hard go read Jesse's latest blog.

P.S.S. To my future wife, who ever she is, yes I will try this.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Random Things of Note.

So I have found several thing lately on the internet thanks to my buddy Mario at work. Here are some cool websites. They are totally worth your time.

Miniature Earth
World Clock

Now some none Mario stuff.

Greg's humorous fictional video blog. (Note this blog is very in depth and has lots of links and very very fun)

And my response via blogs do work. (A.K.A. Jesse started one).

As for the previous post about the new story. I'm thinking of making a monologue so I have to look into specialties of this sort.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Dear Jesse,

You don't even have a blog. So I don't think you have much right to complain.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

I'm working on it.

I'm working on another story. This one involves a motorcycle. :)

Sunday, July 29, 2007

The Weird Dream I Had

So I had this crazy dream yesterday, but it wasn't your typical dream because I was not fully asleep. I was in that half sleep half awake time. So this dream or vision or what ever you want to call it had me standing in a line with a bunch of soldiers in old school armor. Instantly as I see this my mind starts going to Paul writing about the armor of God. So as I stand there with these other Christian soldiers I begin to freak out. As the enemy approaches I realize it is the devil's army and I start to bow down. Not because I worship him, but because I willingly choose not to fight. Which is an accurate picture of my life at times. When I need to fight the enemy, who prowls around like a lion, I often just throw in the towel and not care.

Then I spoke with my mother today she mentioned a series she is listening to from one of her friends. Where the guy speaking references being fit for God's army. So I have come to the conclusion I am in dire need of work when it comes to confronting the enemy when he attempts to pounce. Time to break out that sword and say "Peace, buddy, we are no longer on good terms. You can leave or I will start using this thing." So as you all go about this next week think about ways you could better prepare yourself to fight off the enemy and give him blows he does not like. Its time we soldiers of Christ start acting like soldiers. We need to stand against the enemy as Paul would say.

Sunday, July 15, 2007


So I know I said I would update you all soon on my new job and my new (used) car. But I decided I would give you only a piece of information for privacy purposes. I got a new job which I like a lot. I enjoy it, it pays ok and I have found several opportunities to talk about God. While I do not want to do this particular job the rest of my life I could work in this business, if God sees fit not to have me work vocationally in ministry. Also the new car was an extreme blessing. It is not the coolest thing in the world, but I enjoy it. Brent thinks it is ghetto, but he is the only one with negative comments so far. And thats fine by me. I choose to drive it and I will enjoy it. I have decided I don't need to have a "nice" car to be happy driving around. I compare myself to the rest of the world and life is looking really good.

I have also recently decided that I am going to try and cut down on the time thief's in my life. Most of those being internet or tv related. So I will not be updating this very often. I am trying to devote myself to things that will be a better use of my time. Its my choice and I am exercising it. I will try to update every so often and also try to post thoughts on God as well as art stuff (i.e. photos and writing). So yeah I am exercising my right to live more minimally.

Soli Deo Gloria,

P.S. I am in the process of learning Classical Greek, way awesome.

P.S.S. The car has a bench seat in the front (Yes Brent is does count as a bench seat. Why you ask because they are not buckets. Case Closed).

Wednesday, July 04, 2007


Sorry I haven't been around lately. I just got a new job working for a property management company. And I got a new (used) car. I will post more on both this weekend.

Monday, June 18, 2007

My Pocket Watch

So I recently was given a pocket watch passed down by my father to me from his father. It pretty old, how old I'm not sure how many Varner men have owned it. But it is old enough that it requires that you manually wind the watch all most every day. I really love this watch. I haven't grown up with a lot of family traditions that have been passed on. My family is just not like that, it is very splintered. For example the last family reunion we had was when I was like in kindergarten, if you would like to adopt me and bring me to your's I would love to come and experience the weirdness of family reunions. So yeah as I have recently received this watch from my father it has gotten me thinking.

There are something that we simply must do to survive, just like I must wind the watch each day. While I think the things that come to mind first are our physical needs. But there is something more important that I thing we need to include in our daily lives. Jesus said "Man does not live alone but on every word of God." As we go about our day we need to charge or wind ourselves and I think that part of that comes from God. We need to make time with Jesus essential to our lives, much like the food we intake each day. I know most of us enjoy food every day and even get a little cranky when we don't have it. Should our spiritual lives be any different? I think not. We need to learn to feast on His word. It is essentially how we come to be in relationship with Him. I know we can have a relationship that is not dependent on the Word. But since we have this available to us I think we should on some level immerse ourselves daily with it. I think we need to learn to love God's Word like we love food. So yeah just some random thoughts. As you go about this week May you be aware of your need to wind yourself (and your watch) and that you will actually wind up.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Update on the neighbor's dog.

So the dog or dog's (not sure if there are two) did not die that night. But it or they continue to bark every night which is making me not care for their safety anymore. I know cruel, but seriously people if you ever own a dog teach them not to bark all the freaking time.

Random thought here. Why do people call home phones on the weekend? We get free minutes on the cell phones why not use them.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The neighbor's dog

So currently it is 11:49pm and the neighbor's dog is barking insecently and I cannot figure out why. I have seen coyotes running around the neighborhood before but I cannot seem to find any at the moment. I am concerned for the dog's safety but I also would really like him/her to shut up so I can sleep with my window open because it is starting to get hot enough that my room stays warm at night. My room is the room in the house the experiences the greatest amount of heat. Which kinda suck for a guy like me who is hot a lot of the time. Oh God please bring back the 80 (just realized their isn't a degree button on the computer) degree days.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

The Map or The Journey

The thought began to wander its way back to the front of her mind. She had been rummaging her brain all night trying to think of responses to this troubling request. What was she to do? She could respond in two ways. She could offer Josh the thing that he requested or she could walk away and hope to find someone else who would love her. But was she willing to take that chance? It had been so long since she someone had told her that she was special, that she was worth everything, that she was beautiful. But did he actually mean these things or was he just playing the game? Was his desire genuine or did he just know the right things to say? He hadn't tried to get her to bed yet although there were times he could have if he wanted, not because he was charming but because she had always tried to earn love that way. That was what troubled her about him on some level. He didn't force her to earn his love with sex. But there was also something else that bothered her, until last night she didn't know what it was. Then the request came last night at dinner. He didn't ask for her to sleep with him or her hand in marriage. He asked for something far more troubling.

Josh was a nice guy. He was headed to the top and would soon be making a seven figure income. He would eventually be able to provide all the things she had ever dreamed of. But he was not very romantic and at times seemed out of touch with who she was. The entire reason she was still with him was because she longed for companionship that was hard to come by for her at this point in her life.

The request came as they were sitting a one of the nicest tables in a upscale restaurant, which oddly she would have preferred something a little less classy. She liked nice things but he had taken her to only nice restaurants and she wanted to have some normal food for once with him. They had been seeing each other casually for a little while now. As the dinner progressed she could tell Josh was getting serious. Now she was curious to see what he was going to ask her. As the anticipation grew he finally asked her. And what she heard she could not believe. Who actually asks for something like that. You must be wondering what he asked for. Well I'll tell you what he asked. He asked her if she could give him a map to her heart. He too had noticed that he lacked an understanding of her and he wanted to understand her so that he could love her. You see Josh was a very analytical person. He thought love was a bunch of proofs that could be fulfilled. So if he knew her favorite things, how she liked to be touched, what her hurts have been, what her joys had been he would be able to love her best. He assumed that love was a mathematical equation that simply needed the right variables to be inserted for it to work.

She hadn't stopped thinking about that question all night long, even though he had long ago dropped her off. Soon the sun would begin to rise, luckily she didn't have to work on Saturdays, and she was still thinking about the request.

As the sun started to crawl over the horizon she knew she had to let him go. It scarred her to death that she was letting go a guy that actually liked her. But he would never truly love her. He cared more about the destination then the journey. You see she had come to realize that it was the journey that mattered, not the map or where you end up. It is along the journey of a relationship that you truly learn to love someone and they in return. She remembered something from High School about Romeo and Juliet and how there were two women juxtaposed in the play for Romeo. There was the girl at the beginning, whose name escaped her mind at the time, and then there was Juliet. Romeo loved the other girl by proofs but he loved Juliet by freedom. To one he spoke in proper form the other he spoke in free verse. The problem with Josh his he wanted to love her with proper formed poetry. He would never be able to love her with free verse. Thats why she had to walk away.

She picked up the phone and called him knowing he would be in the shower preparing for the office. Even though it was a Saturday he would spend the first half of his day there. She left him a message explaining to him that she needed someone to love the journey and learn to love her while on it. Not simply someone who would ask for a map so he could get to the end as soon as possible. Then she hung up the phone and grab the keys to her car. She was going for a journey and was leaving the map at home. And maybe just maybe she would find someone else on their journey and they could begin to journey together.

Monday, June 04, 2007

The Process Begins

So I am going to start practicing writing fiction a little more. So indulge me as we see my progression in my writing ability. Also I intend to start writing more non-fiction stuff like I did early on. Also the camera is going to be out again so hopefully there will be more pictures to come. When you guys see these thing please feel free to tell me what you think could be done better. Thanks for the help and understanding as we go through this process together.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Haha I beat Andrew

Its all about survival.

64%Mingle2 - Free Online Dating

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Ah Stupid Bets.

This is simply brilliant.

Monday, May 28, 2007

The Search Ended...

...before it began. So I officially ended my search for the world's ugliest building before the search ever began or for that matter was thought of. The search came to an end as I discovered the "batman" building in Nashville, TN. Any thoughts or finds on some really ugly buildings? Feel free to add to this ugliest buildings ever list.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Pirates of the Caribbean 3 - At World's End Trailer

Saw it last night with a few friends. And yes it is worth seeing. Better than 2 and challenges 1 for supremacy. If this is the end it was a good ending. I give it a big fat A.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Arranged Marriage Conclusion

So about that article. You know the one I posted a few posts back. I like what she had to say, albeit a little short for my tastes. The perspective she brings is a good one. Because in truth it is not about romance. It is about commitment. There are times when you will not feel the romance. There will be times when you want to give up, but it is the commitment to the commitment that will make a marriage last. Things you have in common are good, but in the end of the day that is not what will continue your marriage during those dark times. You must be committed to the other more than to yourself. My buddy Mike got married last week and one of the bridesmaids said something truly brilliant, I honestly wish I had a tape recorder. But since I didn't have one at the time I will paraphrase for you all. "If you truly believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ remember to forgive. Because in the end of the day thats all we have." It was something to that affect. That is where we must start. We are forgiven so we forgive. We are not perfect so we do not expect them to be. We love not because we look past the faults of others, we love because we are loved. No don't get me wrong I find romance to be important. But it will not get us through each and every day. We must as Christians remove the word divorce from our vocabulary. We must be committed as Jesus was committed unto us. We must die to self. We sacrifice not because they sacrifice but because we are called to do it. Our relationships must become ones of action first. Marriage will not work if it is purely reactionary. So yeah thats a lot to say from a guy who is not married. You don't have to listen to me, but at least consider it.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Why I'm Neo-Orthodox.

Because this text said I was. When I got the result I was like "What the heck is Neo-Orthodox?" Which will hurt the ego of a religion major any day of the week. So I went to the ever amazing Wikipedia and read up on Neo-Orthodoxy. Not that this truly says a whole lot; internet tests are not perfect as you all well know. Personally I would put myself in the dead middle of the top three. Imagine a perfect triangle and Im in the exact middle. Thats where I am. So yeah take the test and see where you land.

You scored as Neo orthodox. You are neo-orthodox. You reject the human-centredness and scepticism of liberal theology, but neither do you go to the other extreme and make the Bible the central issue for faith. You believe that Christ is God's most important revelation to humanity, and the Trinity is hugely important in your theology. The Bible is also important because it points us to the revelation of Christ. You are influenced by Karl Barth and P T Forsyth.

Neo orthodox


Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan




Reformed Evangelical






Roman Catholic


Classical Liberal


Modern Liberal


What's your theological worldview?
created with

Monday, May 21, 2007

The Balance: Sports and Relationships

So I found this good article today on how to balance Sports and your significant other. Guys it is worth reading.

Oh Donald, How I have Missed You

So tonight I had coffee with Jesse and he allowed me to borrow the above book. Which I really wanted to buy the other day with Jared at Borders, but do to lack of cash I decided it would be better not to. But I noticed something very interesting about Miller's writing style as I read the first few pages. It really feels like I sat down to have coffee with a long lost friend. If you haven't yet read one of his books I suggest this or Blue Like Jazz. It will be the beginning of an amazing friendship, much like your imaginary friendships as a child, except you might one day meet Mr.Miller.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Transformers Trailer

I'll admit I had my doubts but this trailer has relieved them to some extent. Hopefully this is good.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

twirl a squirrel

I will take two. How many do you want?

Monday, May 14, 2007

Arranged Marriage Anyone?

So my buddy Dave is working for this online magazine and showed me this article on Arranged Marriage. It is interesting and sparks some thoughts. Go and check it out. I will inform you all later what I think about it.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Mysterious Starbucks Cup

So recently I have gotten a Starbucks cup with Spanish writing on it. I believe the size was grande. I had it written down but I have seemed to misplace it (actually I deleted it accidentally from my mac). So if you happen to get this said cup and are able to read it please inform me of what it says I am really curious. Or if you get the cup and cannot read it write it down and I will attempt to find someone to translate. Thanks for your time. Oh yes it was not just once it was twice. Brent was witness to the first one. Can you tell how exciting my life has been lately.

P.S. I have a job interview of sorts on Sunday, yippee. Keep it in prayer and I will update you as the process continues.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Planet Earth

So I am currently watching Planet Earth. And they just did a segment on the arctic wolf and caribou. They happened to film a hunt in progress and talked about the tactics of the wolf. The wolf uses a method that causes the weak to be separated from the rest of the group. I watched a young caribou being chased down by the adult wolf. So I was thinking about Peter's reference to the devil being like a prowling lion. We are meant to live in community as we go through life. If we don't we can be caught alone and we are done for. It is only when we live in community that we will know how we need to grow to become more like Christ. While Peter does not use this example specifically in this way it is important that we realize it does apply. When we are cut off from the body of Christ we are lone wolfs. We do not have others to encourage us, build us up and challenge us to change. We need all these things in our lives. It is these things that help us to become more Christlike. So in light of this episode of Planet Earth here is to community despite all the stuff that goes along with it. Just remember we are called to bear with one another despite our short comings.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Recently I have been immersing my self in multiple books on discipleship. And as I am working on the most current book, Transforming Discipleship by Greg Ogden, I came across something I wanted to share. Here is a quote from the book discussing discipleship from Jesus perspective. As you read this I want you to remember that discipleship is not optional from Jesus perspective. When we acknowledge Jesus as Lord that is not simply as word. But it is filled with meaning. Lord means that he has control over all of who we are. We must be whole devoted to him and his ways. We cannot be on the fence "for what does light have to do with darkness." There should be no such thing as a Christian who does not participate in discipleship. This is not only for the super-Christian, it is for the average Joe. Peter, James and John all were mere fisherman. They were average Joe of their world. And look what Jesus helped them to become.
"Everything centers on him, his person. Discipleship means knowing him, loving him, believing in him, being committed to him.' The message was enfleshed and inseparable from who he was. 'Jesus' leadership development of his under-shepherds was not so much a course or a curriculum as it was a shared life.'"

Monday, April 23, 2007

Out of Courtesy

So out of courtesy to all of you out there I decided to go back to the full feed for RSS readers. So yeah enjoy it blog world. And you won't believe how many different spellings I tried for Courtesy, but I finally got it.


"I will tell His Majesty what a king is. A king does not abide within his tent while his men bleed and die upon the field. A king does not dine while his men go hungry, nor sleep when they stand at watch upon the wall. A king does not command his men's loyalty through fear nor purchase it with gold; he earns their love by the sweat of his own back and the pains he endures for their sake. That which comprises the harshest burden, a king lifts first and sets down last. A king does not require service of those he leads but provides it to them. He serves them, not they him." - Gates of Fire by Steven Pressfield. Describing Leonidas from the view of one of the characters in the book.

The question is "What kind of king are you serving, one that requires it or earns it?" It is often said that this is how a man is to love his wife and there by earn her respect and following. He must first sacrifice then she can aptly follow as seen in Ephesians 5.

Monday, April 16, 2007

The Big Chipotle Question:

Is Chipotle owned by McDonalds? Over the years I have heard many a answer to this question. But today I found out the real answer while wandering around Here is the skinny.

Short Answer: No, Chipotle is not owned by McDonald's.

Long Answer:
Chipotle became a susidiary of McDonald's in 1999 when McDonald's acquired the controlling stake of the company. At one point, McDonald's owned shares accounting for approximately 87% of the voting power of Chipotle's common stock. In Chipotle's earlier stages, McDonald's helped Chipotle's operations by sharing its own distribution networks.

Currently, Mcdonald's no longer has anything to do with Chipotle Mexican Grill. They have divested completely from Chipotle.

Source: Joe Stupp, General Manager,

It is found on this page at Needless to say I am happy to finally have an answer, especially this one.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

New Sheriff Town

That is the town known as the NFL. The new commissioner is laying down the law big time. ESPN has a great article on the new way things are going to go around the town. Its about time, in my opinion.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Oh Those Greeks

Here is a great article on a well known theater in Greece that has amazing acoustics. I thought some of you might be interested (Hayley and Andrew).

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Link Failure Unknown

The only reason I can think that it no longer works is that they took it down for some reason. Sorry about that. Weird considering it worked yesterday.

Link to the Link

Ok since that link didn't work earlier go to here and the link is at the bottom.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Save Hockey Playoff Coverage

Go Here and fill it out so that people will still be able to watch Hockey playoffs.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Yeah Im From The Hood

So I went Gangsta on Buzz today and kicked Andrew's butt in my Gangsta Out Fit. But Andrew beat me the first time around. Check out my fly ride as I busted a cap in Zerg Man.

Sunday, March 25, 2007


So I didn't take these. I found them here. Thought you all might like to look at some beautiful landscapes.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

It's about time.

PERTH, Scotland, March 19 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- In a formal invitation
sent to former Vice-President Al Gore's Tennessee address and
released to the public, Lord Monckton has thrown down the gauntlet
to challenge Gore to what he terms "the Second Great Debate," an internationally
televised, head-to-head, nation-unto-nation confrontation on the question,
"That our effect on climate is not dangerous."

Monckton, a former policy adviser to Margaret Thatcher during her years as
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, said, "A careful study of the
substantial corpus of peer-reviewed science reveals that Mr. Gore's film,
An Inconvenient Truth, is a foofaraw of pseudo-science, exaggerations, and errors,
now being peddled to innocent schoolchildren worldwide."

Monday, March 19, 2007

Actions and Dreams

It is by acts and not by ideas that people live.
- Anatole France

To accomplish great things, we must dream as well as act.
- Anatole France

Thursday, March 15, 2007


The young man stood staring at his cell door. He has finally received his once sought freedom. But now the thought of such freedom begins to cripple him. These walls once felt stifling, he remembers his first night in the joint. It was horrifying. The walls seemed to crush his lungs, he couldn't breath. But now he as he looks out the door he gets that similar feeling. The open door he faces seems unreal, but this is not a dream this time. It is reality, he has his freedom.

He cannot seem to accept his freedom. These walls that once were a prison have become his friends. He has grown accustom to them. He has spent a many a night with them speaking with his friends in his mind. He knows them like the back of his hand, every nook and cranny he has explored. They are more than walls to a prison. This room has become his home. He does not wish to leave.

He cannot remember when the change occurred. These once hated walls became close personal friends. The bed once felt lumpy and cold, but now it feels soft and warm. This change now plagues him. He stands before an open door, a door to freedom, but his feet will not move. They are weighted down beyond his strength. His leg muscles have turned to mush as the blood in his lower veins has turned to iron.

He knows but one cure to this disease. He must remember what this freedom cost. That is what must move his legs now. It cannot be by sheer will power, for that will not help him in this moment. He must remember his dearly bought freedom which he had once before. He now has that same freedom again. He must take advantage of it. He must not remain, it is unnatural for him to remain. His freedom has been bought. Freedom is something that should not be denied, while some choose to do so, this man will not. He has seen others who have had their freedom paid for by the judge. But he didn't meet them as a free man, he met them in here. They were set free but they could not leave. It was unthinkable, so much so that it scared them. They could not walk out of the cell door. There doors continued to stay open, waiting for the day they chose to walk out as free men. For some it will take days, others months, some years and still others will never know that freedom.

This man experienced the freedom for a period of time. But his freedom seemed burdensome. So he choose his cell yet again. But it has finally come. He is choosing the burden of freedom. He will not remain in this cell. Never again will he choose to live in it. To prevent his return he has inscribed the wall. All whose cells are open and all free men know this saying. But some cannot remember it because they have allowed it to slip from their minds. The inscription reads "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God's wrath through him!"

If he ever returns he will see the inscription. This inscription will not allow him to stay. So as he reads this again he begins to walk. He exits the door to his former prison and never looks back.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Mark 4:35-41

So I'm working on this thing for the College Group at Church which has made me go back over information concerning Mark 4:35-41. Mark, actually John Mark, you know the guy who ditched Paul and Barnabas which actually caused the two to split ways is the writer of the Gospel of Mark. Well so Mark is writing his Gospel to be told to the church in Rome which has undergone extreme persecution and lost a lot of people due to Nero's crazy persecution where he would light Christians on fire and let them burn in his garden for lanterns. There was also a mass killing of a group of slaves, something like 400, where the church most likely lost brothers and sisters. So needless to say these people know what it is like to endure persecution. Also along this time it seems like some people might be faltering because of what is going on. So as Mark writes his Gospel he has this whole idea in his head that he needs to affirm the Christians to endure what they are going through each and every day. He is telling them to endure. So he takes an actual story, Mark 4:35-41, and emphasising his point of enduring. In Mark 4:38 we see that a great storm has come up and Jesus is chillin in the back of the boat where he is suppose to be steering the boat. As the storm gets worse they, the disciples, come to find out Jesus is asleep in at the helm. At this moment the disciples are thinking to themselves "what the heck is this guy doing" (most likely they used words that were worse or at least I would have). So they wake Jesus up and he gets peeved at them for waking him up, they obviously don't know who this guy in the boat is. He rebukes the storm using language a person would use to cast out a demon in their day and then gets in their faces for waking him up. He asks why they have so little faith and then they think to themselves "Who is this guy?" To which we should respond "He is the Son of God." But thats not the point. The point is that even when we are undergoing the worst storm of our lives we should have faith. We don't need to wake Jesus up because if Jesus is with us nothing else matters. If Jesus is in your boat you know its not going to sink. So the next time you think your boat is going down I encourage you to trust that Jesus is with you. Now may you have the faith to trust Jesus when persecution is going on around you.

"It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man." - Psalm 118:8


Yesterday at Disneyland Andrew mentioned taking more accurate readings of his blog concerning how many people actually read it. I thought this was a good idea. So if you use another program to read my blog you will notice that you can only read a paragraph or so of the blog. That is actually not all there is, there is more. So please stop by the site to read the entire blog. Although I'm not sure if this will effect Facebook. If it does I'm sorry.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Take that Mr.

I am now the proud owner of a Disneyland Pass. So my first act as a new pass holder was to challenge Brent to a good old game of Buzz Light Year Astro Blasters. I figured Brent would be much better competition than Andrew or Lauren. Andrew because he is really good and Lauren because she thought she sucked. Also because Brent had only played once and I figured it would be a far battle, we did have equal information. So as you can see from the picture below I kicked Brent's but. But here is the thing that picture is actually Lauren and Andrew's score, Andrew being the #2 man. My score was actually higher, 229,700, and Brent's was lower, 44,000 (or something like that). So I figure for my first time I did very good. I will let you know if my score improves or plummets next time, there will be many more times come to think of it. Supposedly there was some guns that need calibration, but I'm not buying it.

P.S. I have no clue why I felt the need to link you each time I put a person's name. I started it and figured why stop now.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Leonidas Party of 300...

Your table is ready. Your server tonight in Hell will be Satan himself.

On Friday Brent, Josh from Small Group (neither of the blogs to the left) went and saw 300. Overall a very good movie. I especially liked the Cinematography. The film was very visually appealing. There have been very few movies that have impressed me with the visuals and this was one of them. The visuals were very artistic which impressed me a lot. I knew it was going to be good, but did not expect it to be this good.

I also watched something on the actual battle the movie was based on today from The History Channel. For a movie based on a 2500 year old event that was intending to be completely accurate I felt it did a good job considering what I learned from the show. While one should not dictate their understanding of the actual event based on the movie it does seem to get somethings right.

This movie earned an A if not an A+ in my book and I suggest every man go see it. And if your a girl and can stomach the violence of body parts and blood flying you too should see it.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Friday, March 09, 2007

I finished...

...The Count of Monte Cristo. I finished it on Wednesday. It is an amazing book. If you ever have a chance to read it you should and I suggest the full unabridged version, which makes it really long but well worth it.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Official Big Wheel Race Info

Who is going with me?

4 PM

Monday, March 05, 2007

Now You Know...

What I do when I'm up late. Watch this as well.

Big Wheel Anyone?

So I was going to post this video, but it would not let me. So go watch it. Do It Now. Another amazing idea. Who wants to participate?

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Got Milk? Aaron Burr

Amazing got Milk commercial from back in the day. Felt the need to share it again.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Will Farrell and Jack Black Introduce the Best Song

Unlike Josh I found this really funny. As for other Will Farrell news Stranger Than Fiction on DVD tomorrow and Blades of Glory at the end of March.

PS3 Song

Oh the brilliance of this song.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I want my money.

For those of you in the dark concerning the system wars going on right now, Sony is loosing badly with its new PS3 with the PS2 selling better than the new system. At the moment the Nintendo Wii leads sales in the US for 2007. In response to this the Sony President said he would give $1200 to anyone who could find a PS3 that sat on the shelf for more that 5 minutes, typical Japanese pride. So today I went to Target in Irvine to buy the Daughtry album and decided to see if they had any Wii's for friends who are looking for them. I couldn't find any Wii's but I found 2 PS3. That's 2400 bucks right there, Brent I think I found our new job. So yeah Sony Prez if you read this contact me and I will tell you where to transfer funds. Also here is a funny comic strip on this very issue.

P.S. The Daughtry Album is good so far. Only on song number 3. And the reason I am in Irvine is because one of the few remaining Diedrich's is located here and for a long time I hear.

(Note: When I firsted posted I was under the impression it was the Sony President in Japan. But it was acutally the President for Sony America, or what ever he is. So strike the Japanese comment, but doesn't mean they are not prideful, just that American's are as well. If you disagree go watch Letters of Iwo Jima).

The Lawn Definitely Lost

Jared Photo
Originally uploaded by Fun with Tom.
I was there and it was a second round knock out. Found this picture of a buddy of mine on another friend's flickr page and felt the need to share with the blog world. And to forever immortalize the handlebars.

The iPod effect

So I was actually looking for a photo I had take of Jenny H. but I can't seem to find it. She had her iPod headphones on and was looking at the camera. But alas I cannot find it. But anyways I have been processing through this for a while. Our current culture loves to have music every where. With the invention of the iPod this has made it very easy, if not the cause. But I was reading on the internet how the headphones make people seem unapproachable. Which is totally true (Oh I thought of another photo that will be at the end of the blog). I have toying with the idea if we (Christians) should use iPod's when we are out in public. This was a thought a long time ago and was spurred by Dallas Willard recently (he's brilliant by the way). As Christians we are suppose to be present to the world to share the Good News and bring about the restoration of the world till Christ returns. In fewer words: We are suppose to change the world around us for the better. But when we listen to iPod's we tend to seclude ourselves from the world and in turn cannot be present to the world. The world at this time is an extremely independent place, a least in the West. People are very lonely in this day and age. And to top it all off there are few people who actually care about those around them any more. It is very clear from Jesus' teachings that we (Christians) are suppose to care about those around us (Don't believe me, go read the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5-7, and you will get the picture). When we turn on and tune out we prevent ourselves from become a significant blessing to those around us. Its time we Christians stop tuning out the world and become present to it so that we can change it. Thats what Paul did, he was present, and look at what he did. But all this is just a thought. Chew on that for a while and present it to the Lord and ask his opinion.

P.S. N don't kill me for posting this. I know we photographers hate our being photographed.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Psalm 23

So I have been reading Psalm 23 lately. Going through it and reflecting on it within my own soul. It has been something that has truly begun to help me find my place in life and relationship with God. I was driving home on Saturday after going to a play with the tag being "A Post Valentine's Day Look at Love." And I a specific part of Psalm 23 came to my mind. It can be found at the beginning of verse 3 "He restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake."

The part that my soul keyed in on at that moment was "He restores my soul." I know I believe that it my head, but in my heart is another thing. I have just begun to learn to believe that in my heart. Dallas Willard in The Renovation of the Heart tells us that the soul is the deepest part of us. The soul is the core of who we are and that is what God restores (thats my combining Dallas and this verse). God does not just restore your life, he does not just restore you heart or you mind. While he does do those things he does more than that. He restores our entire being. There is nothing that God leaves out when he is restoring us, its all going through the process.

I tell you this not so you think "wow Jon is spiritual" or something else. But so that you will begin here on this day to allow God to begin restoring your soul. Much like when you start with an old rusted car. You have to take the metal down so that there is nothing left but pure metal, all the rust must be gone. We are left with a car ready for restoration. And that is part of what God does in his restoring process. He takes us down to pure metal.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

John Mayer - Belief

Simply amazing guitar work. If I played guitar I would want a guitar that looked like that.

The Count of Monte Cristo

Many of you know I am in the middle of The Count of Monte Cristo. Well actually middle is not so accuarate now considering I am on page 912, it is 1095 in the version Lisa is letting me barrow. I am almost done with this amazing book. I don't want it to stop, it is so good. It just might tie The Hobbit for my favorite book or pass it. I encourage you all to read it if you have a chance in life. Nothing feels like finishing a 1100 page book.

P.S. Listening to "Don't Take Your Guns To Town" by Johnny Cash, so good.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Switchfoot Concert

Saw Switchfoot, at House of Blues Anaheim, tonight with Brent, Brian F., Lisa, Hayley, Casandra, Steph, and 3 high schoolers. I also saw a bunch of Vanguard people, good times. Great show, great music, great company. Here are two pics from my camera phone. I will post video later if it works out. Fav. song: To many. I did like the one that is preformed by Mandy in A Walk to Remember. But I like that more for the song than the show. There was a really cool one where they all stood still for a good 30 seconds at the end, looked awesome.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Darkest Before The Dawn Part: 2

So about a week ago I suggested you guys read Matthew 27, Mark 15 and Psalm 22. So here is the follow up to that post.

Psalm 22 begins with the same exact phrase Jesus utters on the cross just before he is about to die. What is interesting about Psalm 22 is that it is a classic lament Psalm. Which can be seen in the progression of the writer, David. David begins by expressing to God that he feels like he has left him and travels to the conclusion that God is still in control regardless of David's perspective of God.

30 Posterity will serve him;
future generations will be told about the Lord.

31 They will proclaim his righteousness
to a people yet unborn—
for he has done it.

David at the end of the Psalm proclaims that God is righteous and all will know him. David realizes that God is still in control. He also realizes that regardless of what seems to be going on around him he knows God wins in the end.

Now what I find interesting is that Jesus quotes this Psalm and the reason behind it. Jesus quotes just a small portion of this Psalm which would have lead the people there to be reminded of Psalm 22. No most would think Jesus is down and out when he says this statement, but he is not. By quoting this Psalm Jesus is actively saying I have hope. There is more going on here than what we can all see. Jesus is essentially saying "God I know you are going to come through" just as David did. Jesus is in a way predicting his resurrection by saying God is going to come through yet again and God does.

Like David and Jesus we too can have hope that God will come through. We have an entire documented history of God coming through for all different kinds of people. The Bible ends with God winning the final battle. We can live in hope. Hope which at times may seem far off because we cannot see it. But according to Paul if we could see it, it would not be hope at all.

The reason I write this is not for your sake. While I do hope that you get something out of it. I write this for my sake. Sometimes we need to hear something and the only way we hear it is when we speak it. We often serve as prophets in our own lives when we speak to others. So I write this for me. Right now it seems that I'm as low as I can go and I do not see where God is leading. I am in a thick fog so to speak. It would seem that it is time to give up hope, but it is not. God is going to come through. It might be in the last day, last hour or last minute but God is going to come through. I can trust in this. Psalm 22 stands as hope for all of us. God comes through.

Soli Deo Gloria,
Jon Varner

P.S. For an amazing out look on this read David Crowder's newest book Everybody Wants to Go to Heaven, but Nobody Wants to Die: Or the Eschatology of Bluegrass. Or listen to A Collision and/or B Collision.

Friday, February 02, 2007

ABC Time (Like from 1st Grade, not the Station)

Fill in your own ABCs:

A-Animated TV Show: G.I. Joe
B-Bible Passage: Philippians 2:5-11 (One of many, but top one)
C-Considerably Different From High School: My clothing style (I dressed like Fred Durst from LB).
D-Dallas Willard Book:Renovation of the Heart
E-Electronic Device of Choice: MacBook Pro
F-Foreign Film: Love Me If You Dare
G-Garth Brooks Song: Fit For a King
H-Habits that Die Hard: Biting My nails (I just can't stop)
I-Inspiring Preacher: Rob Bell
J-J.R.R. Tolkien: The Hobbit
K-Killer Hand: Royal Flush
L-Least Favorite NFL Player: T.O.
M-Motorcycle: 2006-2007 Yamaha R1
N-Nickname: Wolverine
O-Obnoxious Sitcom Character: Michael (The Office)
P-Place I'd Live Next: Portland, OR
Q-Quite Moments: Not Enough
R-Robot: Johnny 5
S-Significant Other: Lacking One at the Moment
T-Team: Anaheim Ducks
U-University: Vanguard
V-Villain of Choice:Ra's al Ghul
W-Wild Animal: Grey Wolf
X-Xtreme Sport: Broomball
Y-Youthful Ambition: Professional Hockey Player or Rally Car Driver
Z-Zero Desire:Have A Job Simply For Having A Jobs Sake

Tagged By Brent
I now Tag....Sara P., Corri, and if Sophie still reads this go ahead and go for it (cap pas cap).
By the way all the regulars where taken already. Oh wait I think Josh P. is untagged, so yeah you too Josh if you read this anymore.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007


So I just noticed a really big bruise on my left forearm and I have no clue where it came from. Honestly how often do we look there? Can I die from a bruise? Or is there something that could have caused my bruise that could lead to my death? I'm not really serious, but does anyone know?

On a lighter note I'm going to the Ducks game tonight and get to play broomball afterwards on the Pond (No it is not the Honda center, just the Pond). This will be my third time doing this. It is amazing.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Orange Chicken 24/7

Since south Orange County is lacking places open past 9 someone needs to make a 24/7 Chinese place. Then we could have orange chicken 24/7 and have a place to hang out past 9. Or we could just open a coffee shop.

Monday, January 29, 2007

R.I.P. The Fray

So I know there are many fans of the band called The Fray out there, I myself am included. But The Fray was found dead sometime on Saturday night around 9:30. We are not sure when exactly the time of death was but we do know the cause of death. Being played on a Christian Radio Station known as The Fish 95.9. This has only been known to happen when bands who have Christian members but not a Christian Band is played on a Christian Radio station as lame as The Fish. Rest In Peace Fray.

The Man Segment #1

Many of you know that one of my deepest desires is to be a men's pastor. It is something I have long felt called to do with my life. This "calling" has given birth to my looking at different men that I come across in life, both real and fictitious. One of those men is Tim "The Tool Man" Taylor.

One of the many reasons I admire Tim is that he is a man's man but he can be emotionally available for his wife Jill and the kids. Tim is a man that despite the fact he can be dense at times is willing to learn and is always striving to be a better man at the end of the day. Something I think all men (and women) need to do. Another reason I love Tim is because of his grunt. I am still working on perfecting this grunt. This will continue to be a segment we cover on a regular basis.

Forget the Little Gold Man

There is something way better out there for all you bloggers. Check out the WebBlog Awards. Hopefully you will find a new blog to waste time at work looking at.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Darkest before the Dawn

Go read Matthew 27, Mark 15 and then Psalm 22. In that order. More will follow later. Be prepared.

Friday, January 26, 2007


I've determined I like it very much, much more than I thought. And that it is lost on most Christians. There was an article on it in Relevant last year, but I can't find it. The article was about how sarcasm is lost on most Christians and that's basically where I got my opinion on this matter from.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Brent Wrong Jon Right

The title thingy was not just there. Apparently it had to be turned on. So Brent wasn't right that I am blind because it wasn't there. So we turned it on. All is well now in blogging world.
Ok seriously I don't know how to title blogs. I can't find the little place that allows you to title. Brent where is it? That's it I'm bringing it my mac to lunch so you can show me and I can feel stupid.

Monday, January 22, 2007

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

I just started reading it today. I have long wanted to purchase this book and read it despite being in the middle of The Count of Monte Cristo (which I fear I will never finish). So far it is holding my attention and I want to keep reading. But I wanted to share a sentence with you all which got me thinking as usual. This comes just after Santiago, the Shepard has just woken. He states to himself "They are so used to me that they know my schedule." This instantly made me think about Jesus and how he is the Good Shepard and we are his sheep who are suppose to know his voice. If we know Jesus voice we will know when he speaks which seems so seldom in these days. It is so hard to hear his voice with all the noise, curse you iPod. I have lately been longing to hear his voice which I cannot seem to find. So as I search his voice out I encourage you all to do the same. Now may you go and search for your Shepard's voice and learn to follow it.

Soli Deo Gloria,

P.S. Brent I'm not sure if the title option shows up on firefox for mac. I still cannot find it. I might be blind.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

So I have been thinking lately, actually since the USC vs UCLA game I went to back in November, about how growing up I was a UCLA fan and now that I am an adult I am a USC fan. Now I know most of you are wondering how could such a change take place. And this is precisely the same question I have been asking myself. I came to a conclusion a while back but never felt like blogging about it. This actually has to do with growing up. As we grow up we are taught by our parents and we learn specific things from them, some good others bad. While I grew up I did not have my father in my life for a good portion at least. The next best man for the job was my uncle, my mom's brother. He is a great man and taught me much. I would not be the man I am without him. He taught me how to drive stick-shift and shave among other things, all the important stuff. One of the things he taught me was to root for UCLA because it was a better overall school. But for some reason I started rooting for SC a few years back, maybe it was because they are much better now or maybe something else. I personally think it is the something else. When we get to the age of college we start trying differentiate ourselves and find who "we" are. And this honestly got me thinking about how we do this with things other such as faith. There is no bigger demographic that drops of the church attendance list than the 18-24 list. But there is probably no bigger group that goes and cheers for their college team. Well that honestly makes sense. But it shouldn't. We in this new period in our lives need to step up and make that choice for Christ. We need to no longer be wishy washy about our Savior and Lord. It is time we decide once and for all where we stand. You are either for or against him. Where do you stand?

Soli Deo Gloria,

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

So first off this has to deal with 24 (and with that the crowd gasps). No spoiling going on. I only want to say one thing about it and it contains nothing of the plot line (but Brent if you fear still you can stop reading).

Ok so I have never been a watcher of 24, but I thought to myself last night (I was home sick, yippee for awesome fever that went to 102.something) I will give it a go this season see if it catches my attention. Well last night it did not. I thought to myself "if this is what the hype is about I am going to shoot some people, just like Jack. A little retribution so to speak for all the hoopla over nothing." So not wanting to jump to conclusions I decided to give tonights episodes a whirl. And all I have to say is "Holy Crap, I now know why everyone is addicted." The two epsiode night left me wanting oh so much more. Now if you all don't think it is as good as before let me remind you it is my first time watching. Now I am going to have to eventually go catch up. I used to think to myself "I will just wait till they kill the guy and then watch." But now I'm hooked. That's all.

Monday, January 08, 2007

So I just realized a new oxymoron in my life. I am cooking a microwavable dinner in the oven. Why do things taste better when they are cooked in the oven? We need a new method of quick cooking that keeps taste and texture.
So apparently Wii games help you do things in real life. Recently I have spent a good amount of time bowling on my Wii. My high score is a 232 or 236 (can't remember) and last night I bowled the best game of real bowling I have ever bowled, 186. Now I know this is not close but it is an improvement. Last time I bowled it was in the 120s and that is generally where I am at, 120-140. But occasionally I bowl better. Prior to this point my best was 176 and that was when I was bowling 1-2 times a week. I will keep you posted on if this is actually helping me in other sports. Golf will be the next try, I think and hope. Until then you will just have to test this theory for yourself.

Soli Deo Gloria,

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Here is yet another reason to love Digg. They just turned me on to a amazing website which links you to free podcasts from many places. I know what your thinking "Podcasts are free Jon." Well yes this is true. But now with podcasts you can receive a free education as well. Berkley and other well know Universities are posting free podcasts of courses they offer. So if you go here you can download lots of different classes from different Universities. A disclaimer must be made. I do not agree with everything said (well I actually don't know that but I'm assuming). One course I am looking forward to is on Immanuel Kant and his epsitemology. The only thing you won't receive with these amazing courses is a degree, but who needs that right ;). There are some other classes on history that look good. So yeah check it out.

Friday, January 05, 2007

I have long held that the culture in which we place ourselves or find ourselves placed has an effect on how we act, while I believe this to be true. I also believe that one has the ability to overcome such situations and rise to greatness or even change said culture. I just read a very interesting article on It covered this topic which has seen to become taboo when speaking of certain groups. This article tackles the issue head on and addresses something that must be change.

On top of this I think something needs to happen with all this stuff like the Nugget fight and T.O. spitting in another player's face. Don't get me wrong I love fighting in Sports where it is accepted as a means of handling a situation, i.e. Hockey. But when this is not the accepted form of conduct the player needs to be dealt with harshly. If you act like that in Basketball you should be gone for the season and the team should have the right to terminate your contract without paying you the remainder. That will keep you from fighting. The same goes for spitting in someone's face. The leagues need to deal more harshly with people acting like this. If you act like an idiot anywhere else you can be fired, why not in professional sports as well?

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

So I had Diedrich for one of the last times last night. All over Southern California the amazing coffee houses that have been home to oh so many dreamers will be closing and have been closing. Starbucks bought this amazing company a few months back to the chagrin of many loyal customers. So as Andrew and I sat there we discussed whether it was the beginning of a new era or the ending of an era. In the end I guess the ending of an era is always the beginning of another era. When something dies something else begins. So here is to Diedrich coffee and all the amazing times you provided for us dreamers and people who love good coffee. It has been an amazing time and you will be missed. But I trust that as we move into this new era that there is hope out there for better coffee. Good night and Good luck all you Coffee Lovers.

Soli Deo GLoria,